This section is for any matches you would like to see in MMA.
Diaz USED to have problems against good wrestlers and Hughes is certainly that,he hasn't faced a world class wrestler in a couple years so we haven't...
who takes it? I'd love to see Toney against a straight up mma striker.
Who wins?
After watching Barnett beat Rogers, for some reason this matchup came into my head. Yes I realize this thread was created 2 years ago, but it's more...
Who wins this rematch?
Who takes it?
Who wins and how?
who takes it?
Who wins this brawl?
For some reason, after watching Stann vs. Santiago, this fight came into my head. I actually thought of Bisping/Stann first, but I think this fight...
Who takes this and how?
I know its quite unlikely that these guys will ever fight but if they did, who you got?
This fight cud potentially happen if the unify the titles like with pride. Who wins?
not a dream match but if both win or both lose this could happen.
Who takes this?
Lets say a catch-weight of 178
Who would win and how?
Who takes it? I've been thinking about it and I can't pick a winner. I'd sure as hell be rooting for Shields
I'd love to see this fight. Who wins it?
This fight would be at HW
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