· UFC 127: Round-By-Round & Post Fight Coverage
Tonight's "UFC 127: Penn vs. Fitch" event will be broadcast on pay-per-view from the Acer Arena in Sydney, Australia. The event features a welterweight main event matchup between former champion B.J. Penn and the ultimate grinder Jon Fitch. Also featured will be two division-shaping bouts with Dennis Siver taking on George Sotiropoulos and Michael Bisping meeting up with Jorge Rivera. Catch all the live blow-by-blow action as we bring you live coverage of the main broadcast card round-by-round.
The prelims are over and the main card is coming up. If the Main Event card is anything like the fights earlier this evening, we will be in for a treat.
Kurt Warburton vs. Maciej Jewtuszko (Unaired Prelim)
Round 1 - Jewtuszko throwing kicks early. The two men circle, feeling each other out. Warburton gets a takedown. Warburton lands a series of elbows from the guard. Warburton passes to half-guard, but Jewtuszko recovers to full guard. Warburton still controlling from the top. Warburton takes round one easily, 10-9.
Round 2 - Jewtuszko with a wild spinning backfist, then and uppercut. Warburton answers with a right. They tie up along the cage. Warburton gets a takedwon. Jewtuszko attempts an ankle lock, but misses. Warburton with a low kick. Jewtuszko with a flying knee. Warburton gets another takedown and ends the round with some good ground-and-pound. Warburton takes a good round 10-9.
Round 3 - Jewtuszko with a spining elbow, looking more determined. Jewtuszko with a good jab. Warburton gets a takedown. Jewtuszko gets back to his feet, only to be taken right back down. The round closes with Warburton on top. Warburton may have stolen this round too.
Official Decision - Kurt Warburton wins by unanimous decision (29-28, 29-28, 29-28)
Mark Hunt vs. Chris Tuchscherer (Unaired Prelim)
Round 1 - Tuchscherer ducks under a big left from Hunt for a takedown. Hunt defends. Tuchscherer looking for another takedown, but a big right by Hunt stumbles him. Hunt opens up with more big strikes. Tuchscherer bleeding, and a pause in the action to check with the doctor. The doctor permits Tuchscherer to continue. Tuchscherer gets a takedown, quickly passing to side control. Tuchscherer looks to lock up a kimura, but Hunt defends. Tuchscherer lands a few albows before the bell ends. Mark Hunt takes round one from the early dominance.
Round 2 - Hunt misses with a right, but lands an uppercut that hurts Tuchscherer. Hunt chases him back with a combination. A short punch lands flush and drops Tuchscherer. The fight is over.
Official Decision - Mark Hunt wins by TKO (strikes) at 1:41 of Round 2
Tiequan Zhang vs. Jason Reinhardt (Facebook Prelim)
Round 1 - Zhang leads with an uppercut, but Reinhardt comes right through it. Zhang steps into him, pressing him against the cage. Reinhardt ducks low and Zhang grabs the guillotine and forces Reinhardt to tap. Reinhardt goes to sleep as the referee pulls them apart.
Official Decision - Tiequan Zhang wins by submission (guillotine) at 0:48 of Round 1
Anthony Perosh vs. Tom Blackledge (Facebook Prelim)
Round 1 - Blackledge lands an early jab, then a straight kick. Perosh shoots, Blackledge stuffs it. Blackledge slips on a headkick attempt, but regains his feet quickly. Perosh lands a good lead right, and gets Blackledge down. Blackledge with a headlock, but gives it up quickly. Perosh landing good ground-and-pound. Blackledge throws the legs up, but cannot get an arm bar. Perosh mounts him. Blackledge rolls over and Perosh secures a rear naked choke. Blackledge submits quickly.
Official Decision - Anthony Perosh wins by submission (rear naked choke) at 2:45 of Round 1
Nick Ring vs. Riki Fukuda (ION TV Broadcast)
Round 1 -
Round 2 - Ring landing a good low kick. Fukuda looking for an opening. Ring with a right jab. Fukuda answers with a right, then to the body. Ring again with a low kick. Fukuda shoots, but misses. Ring damaging with leg kicks, Fukuda gets a great scoop and takedown. Ring pushes off, and stands. Fukuda with a left. Fukuda lands a good combination, Ring answers with a strong right. Ring again with the jab. Fukuda shoots, Ring sprawls. Fukuda with a good knee. Fukuda checks a leg kick, and lands a left. Ring landing another jab. Fukuda swings wildly with a left, no answer. Fukuda stepping in with a good combination. Ring again with a jab that lands. The round ends with Fukuda likely taking another round, 10-9.
Round 3 - Ring again working the jab. Fukuda again slides in with a great scoop and takedown. Fukuda in half-guard looking to smother. Ring, controlling posture and looks to stand. He gets back to his feet. Fukuda with a good left, Ring ducks his head and takes a good combination. Fukuda with another takedown. Ring stands, but goes back down. Ring cannot separate and is forced to his back. Fukuda, from half-guard, pounding the ribs. Ring just looking to defend. Fukuda sneaking for an arm triangle, but Ring rolls away from it. Thirty seconds to go and the referee stands the fight up. Fukuda with a right, and the fight ends. Fukuda secures the final round easy.
Official Decision - Nick Ring wins by unanimous decision (29-28, 29-28, 29-28)
Alexander Gustoffson vs. James Te-Huna (ION TV Broadcast)
Round 1 - Te-Huna gets the early takedown. Gustoffson trying to control the posture. Te-Huna working a good ground-and-pound, mixing up the attacks. Gustoffson stands, grabbing the neck of Te-Huna. Gustoffson comes off the cage with a big takedown. He lands in side control. As Gustoffson swims around Te-Huna stands and separates. Te-Huna pushes against the cage. Te-Huna drops for a single, and misses. Gustoffson rides it down and takes T-Huna's back. Te-Huna defends momentarily, but then taps out on the second choke attempt.
Official Decision - Alexander Gustoffson wins by submission (rear naked choke) at 4:27 of Round 1
Spencer Fisher vs. Ross Pearson (ION TV Broadcast)
Round 1 - Fisher coming out fast, backing Pearson up. Pearson lands a left, then a leg kick. Fisher backs off, but right back in. Fisher with a leg kick. Pearson lands a left. Both men exchange kicks. Fisher taunts the Brit, and eats a left for it. Pearson jumps in with a knee. Fisher tatches it and takes him down. Pearson looks for an arm bar and is slammed out of it. They stand and Pearson looks for a takedown. Fisher lands a straight right. Pearson looks for a headkick. Fisher pawing with the right, trying to get inside. Fisher comes in, lands a knee. Pearson with a body kick. The bell sounds after a low kick by Fisher. Spencer Fisher likely takes round one 10-9.
Round 2 - Fisher again coming out fast, pushing Pearson back. Pearson with a straight right.Fisher snaps a jab, followed by a left. Fisher lands another straight left. Pearson with a good kick ot the body. Fisherstarting to find a range. Pearson standing in there answering well. Fisher lands a good combination. Pearson ducks and looks for a takedown. Fisher defends and separates. Fisher lands to the body. Pearson answers with two lefts. Pearson lands a good jab and a knee. Fisher moves back after a big right hand. Pearson again lands a right. Pearson lands two leg kicks as the round closes. Pearson looked good late, but Fisher likely won another round.
Round 3 - Both exhange lefts to open things up. Pearson looks to take the fight down. Fisher defends momentarily, but Pearson eventualy gets it down. Fisher gets right back up and separates. Fisher lands a left. Pearson with a lead uppercut. Pearson leaps in witha left. Pearson shoots, but Fisher defends. Fisher snaps the head back with a left, but Pearson answers with a combination. Pearson lands a good right hook. Pearson with a good combination again, closed out by a body kick. Pearson picking up his own pace, landing well. Pearson to the body, then to head. Pearson catches a kick and is dropped down. Fisher stands, but eats a few punches. Pearson again with a takedown. Pearson on top with a few short punches, all the way to the final bell. Pearson takes the third easily.
Official Decision - Ross Pearson wins by decision (30-27, 29-28, 29-28)
Kyle Noke vs. Chris Camozzi
Round 1 - Camozzi eats a jab off the bat. Both men with leg kicks. Noke looks for a high kick. Camozzi chases Noke back, lands a kick to the body. Noke clinches, gets the takedown and falls into mount. Camozzi looking to get free. Noke swims around and takes his back. Noke locks in the hooks and quickly chokes out Camozzi.
Official Decision - Kyle Nokes wins by submission (rear naked choke) at 1:35 of Round 1
Brian Ebersole vs. Chris Lytle
Round 1 - Ebersole opens with a cartwheel kick. Lytle not phased, lands a good uppercut. Ebersole with early awkwardness. Lytle lands a good right to thr temple. Lytle to the body. Ebersole lands a good leg kick. Lytle with another right to the body. Ebersole looking for a single leg, gets caught in a guilotine. He rolls. Lytle keeps control of the neck. Lytle rolls him over and ends up on top. Ebersoleties up the head as well. Lytle in a north-south position for a moment, then drops back for a guillotine. Lytle wall walks to his feet. Lytle with a few knees from the clinch. Lytle again drops to his back for the choke. Lytle stands with Ebersole on his back. Lytle rolls for a knee bar. Ebersole on top, cuts Lytle, works shoulder thrusts. Chris Lytle should have taken round 1.
Round 2 - Ebersole opens with a body kick. Lyle answers to the body. Lytle with a big right. Ebersole lands a leg kick. Lytle slips the jab and lands a left. Lytle with an uppercut, Ebersole with a knee. Lytle again with a big uppercut. Ebersole shoots, but is stuffed. Ebersole lands to the body, Lytle lands a glancing hook. Lytle steps in with a combination. Lytle lands another uppercut. Ebersole gets a takedown, as Lytle stands Ebersole lands a big knee, knocking Lytle down. Ebersole grabs a choke, but Lytle escapes. Ebersole takes his back and rides him back down. Ebersole with a big right from the clinch and gets Lytle back to the ground. Ebersole again with the shoulder thrusts. The round ends, Ebersole takes it 10-9.
Round 3 - Ebersole goes for the cartwheel kick again, but doesn't land. Lytle with a good combination. Ebersole shoots, Lytle sprawls. Lytle with a kimura attempt, can't get it locked. Ebersole takes the top position. Lytle stands for a moment, but is dropped back down. Lytle looking for a guillotine, switching to a Brabo choke. Ebersole rolls away and ends up on top. Lytle again with a guillotine, Ebersole still on top. Lytle stands, Ebersole gets the fight back down. Back up Ebersole shoots back into the clinch. Ebersole with a good elbow. The referee calls time to reset a mouth piece. Back in with a minute to go. Lytle lnads a kick to the body. Ebersole gets another takedown. Lytle rolls looking for a kneebar. Ebersole lands a good elbow from the top. Lytle again looks for a leg lock and misses. The bell sounds and Ebersole may have taken the round and the fight.
Official Decision - Brian Ebersole wins by unanimous decision (30-27, 29-28, 29-28)
George Sotiropoulos vs. Dennis Siver
Round 1 - Sotiropoulos circling, looks for a takedown. Siver with a head kick attempt. Sotiropoulos with a hook. Sotiropoulos looking good with the jab. Sotiropoulos grabs a leg and pushes Siver backwards. Siver finally pulls free. Siver ducks under a hook and lnads a right as he comes up. Sotiropoulos has a takedown attempt stuffed. Siver with a straight kick. Sotiropoulos lands an overhand right. Siver just misses with a spinning kick. Siver lands a good punch, buckling Sotiropoulos' knees. Siver drops Sotiropoulos with a punch. Siver drops him again. Siver stands and wants Sotiropoulos back up. Sotiropoulos misses a shoot. Siver hunting as the round nears the end. Siver hurts him again with a left. The bell sounds and Siver takes the round 10-9.
Round 2 - Sotiropoulos lands a good overhand right, Siver misses with a counter. Sotiropoulos pawing with the jab. Siver winging punches. Sotiropoulos bouncing in and out. Sotiropoulos shoots in and Siver shrugs him off. Siver lands a good left as they tie up. Siver shakes off a single-leg attempt. Sotiropoulos lands a good knee. Siver looking selective, Sotiropoulos still pawing. Sotiropoulos lands a good combination and looks for the single-leg again. Siver shrugs off another takedown attempt. Siver has yet to let the hands go this round. Sotiropoulos lands a food counter body kick. Siver lands a kick to close the round, but Sotiropoulos takes the round 10-9.
Round 3 - Siver with a combination kick to open. Sotiropoulos continues to miss the takedowns. Siver with a leg kick. Sotiropoulos still pawing with the jab, but scoring with it. Siver not moving forward anymore. Sotiropoulos misses a single-leg, but lands a good jab. Siver answers with a strong left. Siver with a good leg kick. Siver with a strong combination. Sotiropoulos again gets shrugged off. Siver with a good jab. Siver lands the spinning back kick to the body. Both men with great head movement, proving tough to hit. They trade jabs. Siver shrugs off another single-leg attempt. Under thirty seconds. Sotiropoulos lands a couple kicks. Siver with a side kick. Close close third round, we have it for Sotiropoulos. The fight goes to the scorecards in question.
Official Decision - Dennis Siver wins by unanimous decision (29-28, 30-28, 30-27)
Michael Bisping vs. Jorge Rivera
Round 1 - Rivera comes out with power early. Bisping with a good right. Rivera lands a good right. Bisping shoots and takes him down. Rivera gets up, they trade rights. Rivera talking the whole fight so far. Bisping digs, but Rivera shakes off the takedown attempt. Bisping tries again and secures it this time. Bisping with an elbow, and stands to drop a big right. Bisping lands an illegal knee, Rivera is hurt. Time is called. The referee takes a point from Bisping, and will continue the fight. Rivera lands a right, Bisping counters with a ombination. Bisping misses on a takedown. Bisping gets another takedown, he stands and drops a big right on Rivera. Rivera stands, Bisping slips several punches as the round closes. With the point deduction the round is 9-9.
Round 2 - Both men trade leg kicks. Rivera rocks him, backing Bisping up. Rivera cannot follow up, as Bisping recovers quickly. Bisping lands a good jab. Bisping again with a left. Rivera shakes off a takedown. Bisping lands a good right, hurting Rivera. Bisping pours it on, landing power shot after power shot. Rivera fianlly drops and the referee steps in to save Rivera.
Official Decision - Michael Bisping wins by TKO (strikes) at 1:54 of Round 2
Main Event: B.J. Penn vs. Jon Fitch
Round 1 - Penn sprints across the cage, looking to take Fitch down. Fitch defends, Penn still pressing him into the cage. Fitch lands a knee to the body. Fitch spins, putting Penn into the cage. Fitch throws a combination and digs lower for the takedown. Penn defends. Penn swims under and takes Fitch down. Penn takes Fitch's back, locks in the body triangle. Penn on his back, looking to secure the choke. Fitch turns over, now in Penn's guard. Penn pushes off and stands. Fitch presses Penn into the cage, looking for a takedown. Penn defends. Fitch lands an elbow just before the bell. B.J. Penn likely takes the round 10-9.
Round 2 - Fitch with a headkick attempt, Penn with a flying knee. Fitch catches the attempt and takes Penn down. Penn stands, as the two hand fight a bit. Fitch with a short uppercut. Fitch throws a har right, looks for a takedown. Penn defends again, lands a good elbow. Fitch with a good combination. Penn switches, putting Fitch in the cage. Fitch lands a good knee as they separate. Penn gets the body lock and takedown. Penn takes Fitch's back. Fitch leans back, and spins. Fitch on top, in Penn's guard. Fitch with a series of elbows and punches. Fitch grinding away with ground-and-pound. Penn stands at the bell. Close round, could go either way, giving it to Penn for the early success.
Round 3 - Fitch opens up with a big right hand, and takes Penn down. Fitch drives Penn into the cage. Penn pushes away with the legs and stands. Fitch works for another takedown. Fitch takes the back and knees the legs. Penn goes down with Fitch on top. Fitch working with elbows and punches. Fitch pounding away on Penn. Elbows, punches, lefts, rights. Fitch relentless with the ground-and-pound. One minute to go and looks as if Penn cannot get separation. More punches and short elbows. Fitch continues to pound away. Fitch goes that way to the end. Jon Fitch takes home at least a 10-8 third round.
Official Decision - Bout is declared a majority draw (29-28 Fitch, 28-28, 28-28)
Stay right here as MMA Spot.net will bring you LIVE post fight coverage from theAcer Arena. Once the pay-per-view is over we will be offering a LIVE stream of the post fight press conferences in the video player found in the link below: